MARS 2020 Perseverance Rover
For most of my life, I've been a "space nerd". I'm fascinated with all things NASA and space exploration. I've modeled and rendered many NASA related projects previously. With Perseverance, I wanted to push the limits of my research, technical modeling and inclusion of details. Over 6 months I modeled much of the rover in Fusion 360 creating sub-assemblies that I could reassemble in 3DS MAX and manage the data a bit better.
For most of my life, I've been a "space nerd". I'm fascinated with all things NASA and space exploration. I've modeled and rendered many NASA related projects previously. With Perseverance, I wanted to push the limits of my research, technical modeling and inclusion of details. Over 6 months I modeled much of the rover in Fusion 360 creating sub-assemblies that I could reassemble in 3DS MAX and manage the data a bit better.

Assembly and addition of small hardware and wiring was accomplished in 3DS MAX. Clay Work in progress shots shown.

Material development, lighting, final rendering and composition was accomplished in MAX utilizing Corona Renderer.